Mittwoch, 1. März 2017

BM 2017 (Jan 27 - 29) Game 5: Nemo3 vs Wurmwood - Finals

Tom is actually the only opponent I had in 2017 before this tournament, as he is my Wednesday’s training partner and we already had the matchup to come played 2 times this year. He would drop wormwood into me and I would respond with ….. Nemo3! 

My general game plan against Wurmwood with Nemo3 is to sit out his feat giving up CP but forcing him to split up and then counterattack with my feat. The dangers are Ghetorix to the face and losing on scenario when he gets too much after his feat. So I had to stay further away than 17" with Nemo3, be unreachable or have Electrify and focus on Nemo3 to survive somehow, while keeping the scenario live.

Wurmwood - Fuel Cache
- Cassius
- Megalith
- Pureblood
- Ghetorix
- Feral
Sentry Stone
Sentry Stone
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
Blackclad Wayfarer
Farrow Bone Grinders
Gobber Chef

He won the roll and took first, we were playing Extraction and there was a forest on the left flank with a wall blocking just a bit up the field before my objective. On top of that was also some rough terrain just between the forest and my deployment zone. There was an obstruction more to my side on the right flank and a hill on his side. 

My gameplan was actually to take the middle wall with the Lancer and Dynamo, as he would not be able to get them down with that wall and without reach (so only Ghetorix) and one Stormstrider on each flank. Nemo3 wanted to hide behind the obstruction from Ghetorix.

He deployed fairly central but Ghetorix was already tending to my right flank. 

I deployed as planned and choose my Lances to try to flank hard on my right flank, so he would not be able to use his forests to block me completely of in later turns.

Circle top of 1
He advanced deployed the sentry’s symmetrical and Wurmwood in the middle. He used his Stones as forcehammer slam stoppers, something he learned from one of our previous games. His Bone Grinders were used for souls. 
Then moved everything up out of shooting range, one Mannikin of each unit was killed by him.

Cygnar bottom of 1
But the Mannikins were not out of leap/chain lighning range. I ran up a Lance to leap two Mannikins dead on the right flank with Nemo3. At the same time the Lancer ran up behind the wall to be used for a chain lightning onto the other 2 Mannikins from the left flank. I moved everything else up, out of any charge ranges.
Nemo3 then proceeded From to a position from which he could successfully kill the right side mannikins and could run to my designated safe spot next turn. On the left side I (stupidly) revised my chain lightning plan in order to slam Ghetorix 0” (due to the blocker stone). This was a clear mistake as Ghetorix was not in charge range of anything (besides the leap target Lance on the right) and could shake the knockdown anyways.

Circle top of 2
Incoming feat turn, Ghetorix killed the Lance and the Mannikin on the right does 2 damage to another one. Bad positioning and the still living left mannikins saw me lose Laddermore in the middle to the Pureblood, Megalith and a Mannikin.

Cygnar bottom of 2
So my plan was to move out of charge range, forcing him to use hellmouths, as I can’t avoid this extension and stay scenario relevant at the same time. When I would have ran Nemo3 to safety, I was expecting only one hellmouth and could then have gone for the attrition with my feat afterwards. 

Again I stupidly forget my battle plan and decide it would be better to cast some spells: Bringing the Lancer on range to Megalith to chain lightning the blackclad to death, which did not work.
On top of that Nemo3 could not reach his safespot without running and I could not find a spot 17”+ away from Ghetorix. I settled with a Firefly and my objective in the way. 
Everything else shuffled up to counterpunch if Nemo3 should survive, the left Battleengine contested.

Circle top of 3
He told me that he has now 35 minutes to plan my assassination and did so. 

In the end the solution was to hellmouth Ghetorix to the left, primal him to charge the hunter’s marked objective and getting Nemo3 in Melee. There was the surviving blackclads participation, Karma!
Nemo3 did die with the first attack if memory serves correctly.

Clear mistakes on my side were punished by Tom directly netting him the win in this game and as well for this tournament. Even without the Blackclad he would have found a way to kill Nemo3 as he was in a really bad position.

He had a very clean and neat game and had earned this tournament victory, sadly by now he has returned to France from his stay in Cologne, so it will be more difficult for us to play games in the future. 

I want to take this opportunity to wish him all the best in his upcoming endeavours. Thank you Tom!

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